Quality Over Quantity


As you can tell from the title, recently God has been teaching me about prioritizing the quality of my time versus the quantity of it. You’ve probably heard this saying before, but I hope this post can be a friendly reminder of it 🙂

It can be easy to get caught up in the numbers of things. The likes you get on Instagram. The amount of followers you have. The amount of views you have on your blog. How much money you have. How many friends you have. How many boyfriends you’ve had. How many hours your working, etc. I’m sure you get my point.

But it’s when we let those numbers define us that they can become more than just a statistic. Those numbers can change how we see ourselves, how we try to look in front of others, and changes our actions. I could talk a bunch about numbers, but I already have a post on that called ‘Numbers Do Not Define You‘ and also one called ‘We’re All Like Books: There’s No Need To Compare’. Definitely check them out.

Anyways, when we start to let those numbers define us and determine the way we live, that can become a huge problem because that’s not actually who we are. When we tell ourselves we are worth the amount of likes we get or the number of friends we have, we are deceiving ourselves. We are letting Satan speak his lies into our hearts and are believing them.

To avoid this, we need to cling on to God’s word. We need to remind ourselves of the truth and who God says we are. That we are beautiful. We are loved. We are desired. We are worthy — despite what the world tries to tell us. It’s in those moments that we don’t have to worry about the numbers, but instead we can enjoy what God has given us and see it through his perspective.

Like mentioned earlier, the amount of friends you have,  the amount of money you have, the amount of followers you have and the amount of likes you have doesn’t matter (although the world says it does). Quality is way more important than the quantity of it. Just think about it. Would you rather have one a really nice, name brand pair of shoes or 10 $5 Walmart pairs of flip flops? If that didn’t prove my point, would you rather have a few close friends or tons of acquaintances, but no one you’re really close to? Although the numbers may be appealing at first and gain your attention, it’s the lasting connections and the things beyond the surface that make quality more desirable.

We see this throughout the Bible as Jesus talks about the narrow and wide gates saying, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” This shows that it’s not easy to follow God’s path. Even though more people follow the easy way and the more popular way, it’s not always the best.

Personally in my life, I have applied this to my blogging. In the past I used to spend a couple hours a week writing 1,000+ word blog posts and creating featured images. I would often get stressed out because I had other things to do and I would find myself staying up late to finish it.

After thinking and praying about it, I have decided that I’m not going to spend as much time and energy and words (quantity) in my posts, but instead, making the most of the time I do have and condensing my posts to make them more meaningful and easier to read (quality). So that’s why some of my posts have been shorter 😉 but I think it’s worked out well. It doesn’t mean that I’m not caring about my blog or putting time into it, but I’m able to talk more with my readers and spend more time with God.

So I want to encourage you today: Are you going to live your life in quantity or quality? Are you going to run around trying to get as many things done and live by numbers? Or are you going to make the most of your opportunities and be intentional. Making changes can be as simple as changing your mindset, rearranging your schedule, cutting out some things from your life or choosing to settle down in chaos.

Something I saw on Pinterest said: ‘It doesn’t matter how many ‘followers’ you have. Hitler had millions. Jesus only had 12.’ I think that is really eye opening! As we follow Jesus as our example, we can know that He was made fun of and He was looked down upon, but that He was more focused on the quality of His work. He didn’t care about pleasing everyone and saving everyone immediately to get the numbers. Instead, He dedicated His time to heal people and teach and spend time with God.

How are you choosing quality over quantity? I would love to hear about it in the comments below!

I hope you have a blessed day!

Love, Ainsley ❤
