Summer Reading Picks for Christian Women


Summer is a common time for people to create their bucket lists, most of which include ‘read more’. There’s something about reading that is just so different than anything else. In fiction, it can take us to a whole new world. In non-fiction, it can inform us about the world we live in. In Christian nonfiction (my personal favorite), we can learn so much about our faith and desire to change the world for Christ.

If you’re looking for some new reads or want to add some books to your summer reading list, I would love for you to check these out. I have read all of these books and have absolutely loved them! They have changed my life and have inspired me in a lot of ways. Hopefully you can take away at least one of them to read… Continue reading

7 MORE Tips For Bloggers


In the past, I’ve taken the time to write some blog posts all about my blogging experience and what I’ve learned (You can check them out at the bottom of this page). About 5 months ago, I wrote a blog post about blogging tips for starters and to be honest, I thought I knew a lot about what I was doing. I thought I knew a lot of the basic stuff about blogging when I wrote that post, but that was definitely not true. Continue reading

How To Have A Memorable Spring Break



If you’re like me, you’ve probably been waiting for the start of Spring Break since the beginning of the year. School life can easily get stressful and busy, so a nice break is long awaited. If you’re reading this post, you’re probably wanting some ideas of how to have a fun Spring Break and what to do to make the most of it.

Here are some of my ideas. And no, you don’t need to go on a fancy vacation or spend tons of money to have a great, memorable spring break. You can use what’s right around you to make memories and have a good time. Continue reading

How To Spring Clean Your Room


I don’t know about you, but I’ve always loved the idea of ‘spring cleaning’. Something about reorganizing everything and cleaning it all up excites me. I love going through all my stuff and throwing away the things I don’t need.

Now, I said I love the idea of it, but unfortunately, a lot of the time I never get around to do it because it takes time. BUT this year, I actually want to do it and I want to encourage you guys to do it too (hence why I’m posting this before spring even starts). Continue reading

My February 2018 Favorites


Wow! I can’t believe it’s already March and we are three months into the year! It has gone by so fast, yet some days feel so slow.

Today I wanted to share with you my favorite things from February. I’ve seen this kind of thing on YouTube and Instagram and wanted to do it here 🙂 These are some of the things I constantly used and loved throughout February: Continue reading

What to do When Someone Lets You Down



Whether you’re on a sport’s team or a club team or even a ‘team’ like a family or friendship, there can be times when things get bumpy and people let you down. Whether intentional or not, it can be easy to point fingers at others and blame them for things. Sometimes it’s out of our control, but other times it can be changed. Continue reading

Meet My Best Friend, Sara


Hey guys! Today I wanted to share with you someone who has been so inspirational in my life and such a good friend of mine: Sara.

Sara and I met when we were about 10 at our church. We lead the motions for worship and our families became very close. Our birthdays our even 10 days apart! Sara and I did Bible studies together with some other incredible girls. Our relationship really sprung off of our love for Christ– which I absolutely love. Continue reading

How I Get Writing Inspiration


With being a blogger consistently for a couple of months now, I’ve definitely been through the ups and downs of coming up with post ideas.

Yes, there are definitely days I don’t feel like writing or I can’t think and I don’t have any ideas. In these moments, it’s comforting to know that everyone goes through it, even the best creators.

I love writing these posts [about blogging] specifically for my readers who have their own blogs or love to write (even though I would consider myself inexperienced). This is another post in my ‘Tips for Bloggers’ series. You can read about my original post here with tips for bloggers 🙂

Anyways, I wanted to come up with a list of things I like to do to get inspiration, specifically when wanting to write. If this is you too, I hope you can remember these tips the next time you’re stuck and need inspiration.

(I know some of these things may be a little strange, but this is what works for me. I would love to hear your ideas/ what you do in the comments too!)

    • Pray– First and foremost, if you are stuck, turn to God. Ask Him what He wants you to post about. Ask Him to bring you ideas. I think it’s important (if you are a Christian) that you write posts with a purpose and that all the glory goes to God. It can be easy to do things for our own glory, want all the credit and come up with ideas on our own but if we are truly wanting to put God first, then we must turn to Him for the final decisions. Often times, if I do a post inspired from God, it turns out to be really strong and more effective [to others] than when I do it on my own.
    • Read your Bible– Along with the first tip, you could look through your Bible. Maybe there’s a verse or note you previously wrote that may give you an idea. Or, even just settling down and spending necessary time with God is beneficial. He can most definitely speak through our devotion times with Him. When we refocus our attention, it helps give us a clear mind.
    • Take a shower– I get all my good ideas in the shower. I know that’s kinda odd, but it works every time. (Does this work for anyone else?) Anyways, getting clean and having some time to relax is a perfect atmosphere for me to come up with ideas. Maybe this will work for you 🙂
    • Look on Pinterest– Pinterest is the best place for finding inspiration. Every time I go on there, I find new things I want to do and get new ideas. Whether you’re wanting to do a craft, hairstyle or something else, it’s there. Quotes, Journaling and Scripture images are especially helpful! If you want to, you can check out my Pinterest at
    • Read other people’s blogs– To get more literal inspiration, you could look at your favorite blogs or scroll through Instagram. There are some amazing Christian blogs that I love reading and are always inspiring and motivating me. Specifically I love Jordan Lee Dooley at and Allison Marie at Their posts are great! Try not to copy them– maybe put your own spin on something.
    • Read a book– I don’t know about you, but reading always puts me in a good mood, probably because it transports me into a whole new world. If you like reading, definitely try this. Although, don’t get so caught up in your reading that you forget to write. OR maybe you could write something about a thing you read about or a quote or a book review, etc.
    • Exercise– Just like some of the other tips, getting your mind off of writing and just taking a break is sometimes necessary. Often times we can be ‘GO!GO!GO!’ and have a bunch of things to do, but if we’re tired or uninspired, we can’t do it well. Sometimes it’s better to take a break and regain strength so that we can do our tasks well. Exercising definitely get’s my mind off a lot of things and helps me to feel good (and then I might take a nice shower 😉 This is just another idea that might help, especially if you are athletic or love exercising.
    • Drink water– Don’t forget to drink some H2O! You may be dehydrated which my affect your thinking and make you uninspired. Get a large glass of water and if you want, you could add lemon or your favorite fruits. Drink up! Refuel your body with healthy, cleansing things.

So that’s all the things I’ve come up with that you could do, but I also have some ideas of specific things you could write about 🙂

  • Write about stuff happening in your life– Write about what you do everyday. Maybe you just got a job or you’re getting your braces off or you just got in a relationship. Whatever new you have, exciting or not, is a place to start with getting writing inspiration.
  • Write about what God is teaching you– (this is definitely what I do most of the time) Like the last one, writing about what you are experiencing and what you are learning can be some helpful to others. Your readers may be going through the same thing. I think it’s so cool to reflect on how God is working in your life and be able to encourage others with it.
  • Write about things you’re passionate about– Maybe there’s something you constantly rant about or you’re an advocate for or you have a pet peeve about or your opinion. The best kind of writing, I feel, is when someone is super passionate and dedicated to what they’re writing about– it’s like you can hear them saying it to you. That may truly make a difference.

    I hope you’re feeling super inspired from this post (lol) but in all seriousness, I hope these things can help you the next time your stuck — trust me, I know what it’s like to have a writing deadline and feel completely uninspired, not fun.

If this helped you in any way, please be sure to give this a like and let me know in the comments below. Also, you could forward it to a friend so that they can get help too!

A little disclaimer: If you ever can’t write, it’s okay to let people down or miss a deadline. I am definitely a people pleaser and it is hard for me to not push myself crazy trying to make writing deadlines. Please know that people will understand if you can post a blog post one week. It’s okay to take breaks and sometimes it’s for the better.

I hope you have a blessed day!

Love, Ainsley ❤

Also If you haven’t already, I would love for you to fill out this survey for my blog so I can improve it and be able to serve you guys better. You can find it at If you’ve already taken it, I want to say that I appreciate the feedback SO much and all of you are SO sweet! ❤

How To Achieve Your New Year’s Goals


Happy New Year! Wow! I can’t believe it’s already the end of 2017 and the beginning of a new year!

I don’t know about you, but every year I always make a list of resolutions that I would like to complete. Usually some are spiritual, some are health related and others are pretty random. The last couple of years I’ve been getting better at actually completing my goals. Continue reading