How To Get Through The End of The School Year


As it’s getting closer to summer, a lot of you are probably eagerly waiting the final days of school. Freedom, as many would call it. Not having to wake up so early or not having to learn complex formulas for math or having to deal with frustrating teachers— trust me, I completely understand.

But it’s important that we don’t take the short cuts in these remaining weeks of school. It can be easy to set our sights on the final goal of summer and avoid anything that cuts in the way, but that’s not using our time and education wisely.

The last couple of weeks should be a time to finish off the school year well, with no regrets and complete dedication. Even though a lot of your friends may be taking the easy way out by skipping assignments or not studying for tests or being unorganized, remember that it’s not the end of the school year yet! The time will come and it will be glorious… but until now, we work hard toward that goal.

To help you finish off the school year strong, I wanted to provide you with some tips (a lot of which I’ve done). Not all may be useful for you or be new information, but hopefully at least one of these things can help you ‘keep your head in the game’ for the rest of the school year.

  • Keep up with your planner– Make sure you’re writing down all you assignments and keeping up with projects. Write down when your exam days are and when other big events are happening, like parties and activities and such. Remind yourself of important things, like returning books or cleaning out you locker. These things may seem insignificant, but if you forget, they’ll cause some stress and chaos towards the beginning of your summer.
  • Keep things balanced– Make sure you’re doing a variety of things and not just focusing on one area of life. Make sure you have a balance of resting, school, eating healthy and working hard. It’ll definitely pay off and help summer to come even sooner.
  • Take time to study– Set aside a couple of hours, a day or day(s) to study. Set up your notes, your textbook and some snacks or water, and whatever else you might need to create an inspiring environment to study and boost memory. I did this last year for my chemistry class and it was super helpful!
  • Don’t procrastinate– The worst thing you could do is procrastinate. Now I know that’s probably a habit of most of you out there, but if you can avoid it as much as possible, that would be best. Don’t cram last minute. Don’t leave off big projects. Leave enough time to study and look over your notes.
  • Ask your teacher for help– If there’s anything your confused on, you should definitely ask your teacher for help because it might be on your test. You could ask them for tips or what’s going to be on the test. Also, make sure to clarify information if you’re confused.
  • Reward yourself– At the end of the day, be sure that you are treating yourself when you work hard. Having an incentive can boost productivity and make it easier to wok hard. Treat yourself with maybe your favorite ice cream or chocolate or if you’re not into food, you could buy yourself a shirt or invite a friend over.

And as a final reminder, don’t rush the time you have in school. Every day is a blessing from God and He has incredible things planned for you each day. Don’t leave the school year without listening to God’s calling! Talk to people and encourage them. Say ‘hi’ to people in the hallways. Make gifts for your teachers. Finish off the school year on a high-note.

What are you planning to do to finish the school year off strong?

If you guys ever need prayer or have a post you would like me to write, I’m always here 🙂 You can comment on any of my posts or email me.

I hope you have a blessed day!

Love, Ainsley ❤
