What to do When Someone Lets You Down



Whether you’re on a sport’s team or a club team or even a ‘team’ like a family or friendship, there can be times when things get bumpy and people let you down. Whether intentional or not, it can be easy to point fingers at others and blame them for things. Sometimes it’s out of our control, but other times it can be changed.

Personally, I have experienced this with my volleyball team because people mess up and we end up losing games. Also, with being on the yearbook staff at my school, we have missed some deadlines and I have had to carry a lot of the work. BUT through it all, God has been helping me to trust Him and work things out.

If you’re reading this, you’ve most likely been let down before and have had people who haven’t carried their commitment. With these tips, I hope I can help you out so that the next time you are going through something, you can have a more Christ-like attitude and make things better.



Forgiving is something necessary in order to move on. Although it is easy to say, actually doing it is the hard part. It can be hard when people have wronged us, and the world teaches us that we need to get revenge and pay back what was done to us. But, we should act the opposite and love others, even when the wrong us. Colossians 3:13 says, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” God is the ultimate judge. In Romans 12 it says that it is God’s to avenge and to repay; it is not our job.

Try to understand their perspective and circumstances

People are wired up differently than us. They were created uniquely and have different likes and dislikes, etc. Some people are more extroverted and some are way more introverted. Along with that, people have way different ideas of thinking, they’ve grown up differently, and they’ve had different experiences. Before starting to blame someone and getting angry, try to see their perspective and what they’re experiencing. They may not even know that they let you down or that you’re upset about something. Also, they may be going through hard things or struggling with something you don’t know about.

Stay calm

Normally when things happen like this, you may feel stressed out or start to cry or lock yourself in your room (or all of the above). It’s important that we stay calm and relax. We don’t need to get stressed out or worried about the situation. We can trust God and leave it in His hands. Maybe take a few deep breaths or take a moment to recollect yourself, but keep yourself from crying and wanting to punch things 😉

Serve them/ love them anyways

This is something really hard, but after we forgive, we need to love others and look for ways to serve them, just like Jesus. Now that may be less than ideal, but it’s important to not hold grudges or to show favoritism toward some people. In the Bible, it says to love our enemies and this is definitely included in this. Maybe bring them their favorite candy or offer to clean something of theirs or send them a nice card or text. I find that when I show love and serve someone, despite how I feel toward them, it helps me feel better and accept them more.


Get angry

Don’t get mad and waste time. Life isn’t worth being upset and being in a dark pit of despair. Getting angry and letting other’s actions mess with our feelings makes things worse. Try to move on as quickly as possible and try to find things to make you feel better, like going to your favorite restaurant or watching your favorite tv show or hanging out with a friend.

Keep your thoughts on it

On the same note, try to not think about it. Try to find things to distract you and keep your mind off of the issue. (but don’t try to ignore the issue if things still need to be resolved) Don’t build up comments in your head and make up more excuses and complaints. Instead, you could listen to your favorite song or read a book or get some exercise, etc.

Spread rumors or gossip

Now, the worst thing that you could do is spread the word and tell other people. Try your best to not vent to people or complain to other people. Additionally, try to not spread rumors or spread information without all the facts. Keep things to yourself and don’t spread unreliable information. Its important to keep the other person’s privacy and to not make the situation worse.


We’re human, everyone makes mistakes

No one is perfect. We mess up and sin every day. It’s no surprise that someone may sin against you. People can’t be reliable 100% of the time. The Bible says that we all fall short of God’s standard and we are desperately wicked.

God sees us all the same; he sees all sin as the same

It can be easy to think of ourselves as better than others and put ourselves on a pedestal when in actuality, we hold ourselves to and easier standard than others. God sees all sin as the same since it is all far from perfection. God doesn’t show favoritism and He doesn’t think anyone is better than another. He loves us all the same. We don’t need to justify ourselves or try to prove others wrong.

God is the only one who is reliable

God is always there for us. He is faithful all the time and we can rely on Him for everything. Now humans on the other hand are not, but God made it that way so that we would be even more eager to turn to Him with whatever we are facing.

I hope you liked this post and that it could help you if you are going through anything!

If you have any posts you would like to see, please let me know!

I hope you have a blessed day!

Love, Ainsley ❤

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