Blogging Tips For Starters


Starting my own blog, I had no idea what I was doing. I had big plans and just wanted to be making content and get views. But I made a lot of ‘mistakes’ along the way that I wish I wouldn’t have.

I wanted to write this post to help you if you’re starting your own blog or even if you already have your own blog. There’s a lot of things I have learned that I think would be helpful. (And additionally if you’re not a blogger maybe these tips can help you somewhere else or open your eyes to the hidden challenges of starting a blog 🙂

  1. Before you start anything, make sure your ready for the commitment– Plan out a day or days that you are going to post articles. Make sure you also factor in the time it takes your to write and prepare images. If you are busy and don’t have lots of spare time, then it’s probably best to not start writing a blog. It takes a lot of work and most of the time, the results aren’t immediate. Summer is a great time to start blogs because most people aren’t in school and they have lots of time and experiences to write about.
  2. Create a couple pages of content so your readers have stuff to look at– This is definitely something I wish I did before telling others about my blog. What this means is that you should have some articles posted on your blog so that people have multiple pages to read when they are first viewing your blog. This doesn’t seem like a big deal, but as a reader, it can be frustrating when a blogger doesn’t have  a lot of content because you can’t read their posts and see what they are like.
  3. Keep your purpose in mind: If God has called you to be a blogger, then that should be your main mission; not to get tons of followers, views and make money. This has been something I have been struggling with recently. It can be easy to compare ourselves to other bloggers and want what they have, when in reality, we weren’t called to be like them. God has a special purpose for each of us that won’t be exactly what we imagine. But when we are doing what God calls us to do, nothing else matters.
  4. Be you when you’re writing: Write exactly how you speak and want to. Don’t act like someone you’re not because then writing isn’t fun anymore and you have to act like something you’re not. When I first started blogging, I tried to be overly funny and relatable. Looking back at my posts, it sounded really annoying and nothing like me. Genuineness and originality is something I really appreciate and hope you do too. When writing, stay true to who you are and do what you want to. You don’t have to do the same posts as everyone else and talk how they do. Just be yourself!
  5. Find your niche and what you have to offer– In order for people to become interested in your blog and want to subscribe, you have to be different. Whether it’s they way you write, your experiences, your pictures or your free resources, you need to offer something that people will want to come back to, that only you can do. Focus a specific audience or lifestyle of the readers you want, like teenagers, moms, students, Christians, drivers, etc. and write like you are speaking to them.
  6. Don’t expect quick results– This is definitely something I had to learn. I expected to get a lot of viewers and followers immediately. I thought the sharing I did of my blog would attract many. But I was wrong. I was angered when I only got a few views on a post or was stuck with the same amount of subscribers for months. My suggestion is to not have any expectations at all. When you do that, each view or follower, etc. is much more of a blessing and holds more excitement.
  7. Trust God with the results– Along with the last one, I’ve had to learn to trust God with the results of my blog. Sometimes I wish I would become famous on my blog… but that’s up to God. I constantly have to remind myself that God’s will shall be done through my blog; so if I don’t get that many views or followers or become famous or be able to make money, it’s okay. Whatever His plan for my blog is, I need to trust Him and lean on Him the whole time. He has a purpose for this blog, even if it’s just to reach one person or grow myself.

I hope this post could help you! I would love to hear which tip you thought was the most helpful or if you have a tip of your own.

If you need any pray, encouragement or help, I am always here and would love to assist!

I hope you have a blessed day!

Love, Ainsley ❤

2 thoughts on “Blogging Tips For Starters

  1. gilesmeetsworld November 26, 2017 / 9:59 am

    I think point 1 is so important and isn’t really talked about enough. You really do need to commit to blogging as there will be times where it gets tough. Alongside this, having passion about what you blog about is so important too to give you that incentive to keep going. Thanks for sharing!

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