Noticing the Little Things in Life


A couple mornings ago, as I was on my way to school, I  looked out my car window and thought about the complexity of the world and God’s amazing creation.

Do you ever have those moments when you pause from everything and focus on one tiny detail?– like the raindrop sliding down your car window or the small ant crawling on your pavement. (if not, I suggest you do. It’s pretty cool!)

As I was thinking of God’s creation, I was reminded of His power and omniscience. So often we get stuck in our own little world and our pretty focused on ourselves. We forget to consider the needs of others and involve God in our entire day. When something ironic happens, we just think it as a coincidence or say that ‘it’s a small world’… when in actuality, it’s something way more than that.

God knows everything that is happening, happened and will happen. He knows all our thoughts before we are born. He knows the number of our days. He knows the amount of hairs on our head — the list goes on and it continues to shock me.

Our small lives are intertwined. Sometimes we notice things and other times we won’t realize it until the future. I’ve heard it before that we’re all like one giant tapestry. Our little lives are in one spot, but we are connected to many more… like our inner circles and stuff. God sees the big picture and the overall tapestry.

I know for myself, it’s pretty easy to overlook everything. Our priorities can get messed up and we forget who God really is: that He is the creator of everything and He has power over everything. Creation even obeys Him. We need to stop more and look at everything He has done. We need to remind ourselves that He was here at the very beginning and created the simplest, yet complexity of things.

We are actually pretty small compared to the whole world–  but God loves each and every one of us and wants to have a personal relationship with us. He is so much greater than us. We don’t deserve His love or that He sent His only son to die for us. When I heard this at a spring retreat earlier this year, I was shocked. How could someone so powerful and almighty want something to do with me?Why would He want to be apart of my life and want to win my heart?

It honestly comes down to ‘why aren’t we laying our lives down completely for Him?’

There is so much evidence to show us that He is the Creator and the One true God… then why don’t we live like it? If we know that He is all-powerful shouldn’t that be evident in our faith and actions? Because God is so much greater than the universe we can trust Him in His plans because He controls EVERYTHING.

(Wow this got a little intense 😉

For me, worship is a big part of how I connect with God and praise Him. Here are some of my favorite songs that talk about the greatness of God and His power:

“Everything that You have made is beautiful
Oh, my God, I can’t believe my eyes
But in all of this to think that You would think of me
Makes my heart come alive.”

The Maker by Chris August

“God of creation
There at the start
Before the beginning of time
With no point of reference
You spoke to the dark
And fleshed out the wonder of light
And as You speak
A hundred billion galaxies are born
In the vapor of Your breath the planets form
If the stars were made to worship so will I
I can see Your heart in everything You’ve made
Every burning star
A signal fire of grace
If creation sings Your praises so will I”

So Will I by Hillsong United

“I see the world in light
I see the world in wonder
I see the world in life
Bursting in living colour
I see the world Your way
And I’m walking in the light”

Wonder by Hillsong United

I hope you could take something way from this post. Whether it’s spending more time in God’s creation, pausing to embrace God’s greatness, praising our Creator, focusing less on your life, etc.

Comment below something you learned or what God spoke to you!

Psalm 19:1 says,” The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”

Have a blessed day!

Love, Ainsley ❤
